Thursday, July 31, 2014

Eye of the Tiger

OMG! I didn’t die! So, my July challenge was to add 500 steps per week 5 days per week. I was already averaging 6800 steps so by the end of the month I should be up to 8800 steps per day on average. I killed it the first couple of days getting 10,473 steps in. I didn’t get all of my steps in everyday and I didn’t go on my walk every single day but the point is that I’m out there the 5 days a week that I’ve set as my goal, moving, strengthening my body and mind and conquering excuses that I’ve allowed myself to believe for years. The first time I got on the dreadmill it took me 45 minutes to get ¾ of a mile in. This last Monday I went 2-1/2 miles in 45 minutes. No stopping to rest or catch my breath. I’m even hiking once a week with a friend. What? Yeah, I said it. I’m a hiker. It was a rough go the first few days getting past the heat excuse but I got past it and then there was the mosquito excuse and I got past that. I have West Nile now but it’s cool. Just kidding. Anyway, I know that once I’m done with my walk I feel so much better and it’s now become something that I mentally have to do. I’ve had a lot of support from friends and not surprising, not a single enabler in my life. In fact, it’s been quite the opposite. Lots of friends joining me on my walks, making healthy meals for me, no one has ever tried to sway me from my good eating habits, people asking me how I’m doing with my new lifestyle. I am so blessed to have such amazing people in my life. I really have to say I’m enjoying the social aspect of exercising. I’ve connected with people that I never would have suspected and some that I knew the friendship was there but I was too afraid to pursue it because of my own insecurities. It’s weird being an adult and making new friends.
With all of the July birthdays, including my own, there has been a lot to celebrate so in August I am recommitting myself to my healthy lifestyle. I’ve let it slide more than I should have but I will be getting myself back on track because now that I’ve started to go back to some of my old habits with these parties, I’ve seen my old life and that is no place I want to be. No wonder I was miserable. I don’t feel well when I don’t eat well.
I believe being healthy means being balanced in all aspects of life so this month I will be doing something a little different. I have two challenges this month. Since I’ve made and almost succeeded in the physical department of being well-rounded *chuckle* (yeah, that was a fat joke), I think I’ll give it a whirl in the mental department. I’ve been painting my fingernails the last couple of weeks. It’s such a small thing but it makes me feel good about myself. I’ve made myself invisible the past 10 years by not really caring enough about my physical appearance to do any of those girly things but I remembered how getting my nails done used to make me feel so every Sunday night is my night to pamper myself. I can’t afford to have them professionally done anymore but painting them is just as much of a pick me up.
My first August challenge is to do something for yourself that makes you feel good about you. Come over to my place and I’ll paint your nails for you. We can watch Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and have a glass of whatever your beverage of choice is and I promise I won’t judge you if it’s a carbonated, sugary, high fructose corn syrupy, GMO filled, caffeine laced cup of whatever it is that you kids are drinking these days. Just don’t judge me for putting anti-freeze in my water. It’s purple, it’s pretty and it tastes good.
My second August challenge is to remove white carbs from my diet. No white rice, white bread or pasta unless it’s whole grain. This probably won’t be too difficult for me because I prefer brown rice and whole grain bread anyway but it never hurts to be more conscious about what I’m eating. Oh! I almost forgot…I lost 4 pounds this month. BAM!